Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I love my brother

My little brother Nic finally got the black lab he's been wanting for Christmas. Yesterday he had to put him down because he had Parvovirus. It's deadly in puppys & Harley was in the last stage of it. I know it was very hard on my brother and it was a very unselfish decision, I am proud of him. My brother loved Harley enough to let him go instead of keeping him alive for selfish reasons. He knew that even if the puppy pulled through this, his quality of life wouldn't be good. There was a good chance he would have intestinal and cardiac problems & it was possible the virus would affect him again. There isn't a cure, they just treat the symptoms. Nic didn't want to see him sick and in pain anymore. I wish I could take my brother's pain away but I also know my brother is strong. He's willing to wait 6 months before getting another puppy to make sure the virus is cleared from the grass. I am honored to have such a strong, loving young man for a brother.

In Loving Memory of Harley

I'm going to miss the little guy

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