Monday, December 1, 2008

Time Flys When You're Having Fun

Holy Cow! Where has November gone? I have been meaning to post Halloween pictures and now here we are on December 1st. Ok - so lets do a quick recap of the last month:

Madison wanted to be Tinkerbell for Halloween. Sadly all the "Disney" tinkerbell's only went up to a 6x and she wears a 10. Luckily I found a beautiful bronze fairy costume and Maddie LOVED IT!! Aunt Mindy got her a Tinkerbell floral headwreath & wand while they were in Disneyland - it completed the costume! SHE WAS ADORABLE!!

We also decided to get ambitious and use a pattern to carve our pumpkin. Maddie picked the ghost and despite my lack of tools & talent, it turned out really cute.

Here it is lit up! It was heartbreaking to come out the next morning and find it smashed on the road. Oh well.....

Let's see..... we celebrated Little Grandma's 89th birthday at THE PIE (pictures later) and also Big Grandma's birthday. Thankgiving was alot of fun - we had dinner at Aunt Mindy's on Thanksgiving and then dinner the following Saturday at Papa Neil's family. We are turkey'd out.

Quick Kitty Update: they have doubled in size and little Chai loves to carry around a fuzzy ball. I don't know what it is with my animals, both Mocha & Chai love to play ball. Yes, I have a kitty that will play fetch when she feels like it. Oreo likes to sleep anywhere you're trying to do stuff.
(That is him asleep in the laundry basket while I was trying to fold clothes)

I'm sure there was more, I will post when I think of it. Now it's time to focus on Christmas! I love this holiday & can't wait to get my decorations up!!

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